Mamas of Color Rising and the Women’s Community Center are hosting a screening of the documentary “We Always Resist: Trust Black Women” and a discussion on reproductive justice issues.
The 24-minute film provides a history of the struggle for reproductive justice, showing how black women have always considered reproductive rights and justice a fundamental part of how they defined liberation for themselves and their communities.
The suggested donation is $5. Free childcare is available, and there will be a potluck before the screening. Doors open at 5:30 pm.
Donations will help young women of color on the Center’s staff and in the community attend “Color of Violence 4/Beyond the State: Inciting Transformative Possibilities,” a conference focusing on ending violence without relying on policing, mass incarceration, and restrictive legislation.
Location: Women’s Community Center of Central Texas, 1704 San Antonio St. Austin, 78701